Monday: 7/05/21 Tonight I started Hitchcock's 'Dial M for Murder' from 1954, starring Ray Milland, Grace Kelly, and Robert Cummings. I did 7.3 miles in 40 minutes on the elliptical in intervals: - 10 minutes medium/high resistance at steady warm-up pace - 2.5 minutes low resistance at faster pace - 2.5 minutes medium resistance at cool-down pace - 2.5 minutes low resistance at faster pace - 2.5 minutes medium resistance at cool-down pace - 2.5 minutes low resistance at faster pace - 7.5 minutes medium/high resistance at steady pace - 2.5 minutes low resistance at faster pace - 2.5 minutes medium resistance at cool-down pace - 2.5 minutes low resistance at faster pace - 2.5 minutes medium resistance at cool-down pace Movie Outline: A former tennis player tries to arrange his wife's murder after learning of her affair. Learn more about the movie here: Miles of Movies 2021: Movie list: -------------...
Movies + Exercise =